I'm not great about keeping up on world events. Two children have MASSIVELY shrunk my sphere, but none the less, I do attempt . This is something I read this morning: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32222438/ns/health-kids_and_parenting/ This got my goat enough for me to blog about it. For those of you without the time, let me sum up the article : the UN spent a couple BILLION dollars on an initiative to improve the health of children in poor countries only to find out it really didn't make a bit of difference. Noble, yes, but completely misguided. Now I know I am not comparing apples and oranges here, but this is what worries me about Obama's big health plan. The massive amount of tax payer money, my money ( ok , well, Matt's) being used to finance a program that is chock full of holes. The UN can at least claim ignorance about not knowing it wasn't going to work. Obama can ask Hawaii how the whole government run health care thing turns out ( they had to close ...
A Colorado girls thoughts on life, food, family and everything else. Cheaper than therapy and more eco-friendly than a journal.