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I know, I haven't updated in much too long. I would like to say that it is because my life is so exciting that I haven't really had time. That would not be the case. In truth, my life isn't that thrilling and in my severely sleep deprived state I was unable to think of anything creative or inspiring to write about. Lest you think that I have been inspired and that is why I am writing, let me assure you that I am no more creative or inspired now than I was yesterday. Or last week. This is it, the best I can come up with, so you will just have to deal.

Matt: Out of town this week to sunny and warm CA. I am bitter because it is freakin' freezing here. He is back to work after 2 delightful weeks off. The girls miss having him to play with. I miss all the help. I have decided he shouldn't work and some one should offer to sponsor our life. let me know if your interested.

Gretchen: Sleep deprived. My filter, which is loose weave anyway, is full of holes. What to know what I think? I will tell you un-edited truth about now because I don't have the energy to think of a polite response. This makes me fun to live with, I'm sure.

Eliana: Doesn't stop talking. Ever. I have her running monologue to narrate my life. Often it is funny, sometimes annoying, but truly unceasing. I have no idea how to answer most of her questions in an educated manor. Elie got a CD player for her birthday and I have been going around singing veggie tails and rhinoceros tap. Not nearly as annoying as the CD of children singing old hymns and bible verses.

Addilyn: Not yet 2 but that doesn't stop her from acting like it. She isn't really naughty, just into EVERYTHING. She has figured out how to get on the top of the bunk bed and I am pretty sure this will lead to our first emergency room visit for stitches.

Annabelle: Is a baby. She eats about every 2.5 hours and is loved immensely by her family. She was being a pain at night but we may have solved this; it involves me not having dairy. Because my diet isn't restrictive enough. Sigh. What a girl will do for a little sleep. She is a pretty good baby overall, by Crocker standards. She has a cry that could shatter glass, really, there is no question when she is pissed.

To the many of you waiting on thank you notes: I have them half written and sitting on my counter. I am sorry, i know Emily Post would be appalled.

Consider yourself caught up on the lives of the Crocker family.


Jennifer McHam said…
Thanks for the updates Gretch ;) ! You crack me up! Emily Post can be doubly offended - I haven't even put your gift in the mail yet. It's going out TODAY I promise!!!