Who is in your family: "you are, I am, Addie, my bubas and my puppies are"
Who is your favorite person: "you"
What do you love to do: "Play with Addie"
What don't you like to do: "Obey"
What is your favorite thing to eat: PBJ pancakes and chocolate chip pancakes
What don't you like to eat: "ants"
What is your favorite thing to wear: Dresses
What makes your angry: When you spank my buns
What makes you happy? Hugging you and giving you kisses
Where do you like to go: Starbucks! thats my favorite place
Where don't you like to do "Go to the store, but I do like juice"
What does mommy do: help Addie
What does papa do: Work at California
What makes you laugh: When I do this (sticks out tongue)
What do you like to do for fun?: Go to Graces house, I like to play a lot
Who is your friends: Gracey, Miss Kit
Why does otis bark: Because he is a puppy
Who runs fastest: Otis...or bunnies
What do you want to be when you grow up: A mommy with furry hair
Where will you live: A my house
Who else will live there: You, cause your part of my family.
Will you have any babies: Yeah, but when I am a kid I won't.
How many: 3
What are there names: Baby John, Baby Pierce and Baby mama
Are they boys are girls: Girls