I am an incredibly half-assed homeschooler. By all measurable standards, I really suck. I have no curriculum. I have almost no lesson plans to show, the ones I do have I didn't follow. I don't have a pile of completed work sheets or cutesy everyone-made-the-same snowman/butterfly/Dr. Suess item. If I was a public school teacher, I would be fired. Most days we have no set schedule , no plan, no action items to cross off a list. We drift, dig, sing, smash, color, exist , clean up and do it all again the next day. I read about my friends/blogs I stalk and how excited they are to get a brand new set of curriculum for next year. I get my hopes up and click the inevitable link to the site and imminently feel the too tight itchy wool sweater feeling. I want to like a prepackaged set of learning materials, it would be so neat and all linear and such...but instead it just feels contrived and claustrophobic . While I suck at home schooling, it isn't due to lack of opinions on chi...
A Colorado girls thoughts on life, food, family and everything else. Cheaper than therapy and more eco-friendly than a journal.