This is what she looks like right out of the bath. If anyone knows how to keep her cute curls looking this cute, please let me know. I have tried all kind of stuff, but it doesn't seem to help. Oh well, she is a girl and will have to do her hair the rest of her life. If she sports the white girl afro until she is old enough to care, well, so be it.
Elie truely showed that she was my kid today. When I was little, I loved worms. They were less fond of me considering I used to fill up jars with water and toss the worms in. I figured that since they came out when it rained, they must like water. I would have been crushed if I had known I was killing them. Poor worms. We have had a lot of rain lately and were lucky enough to find not 1 but 3 worms on the patio today. Elie carried one around with her until it was a little stiff and not moving, then, thank heaven, she droped it in the grass and couldn't find him again. I don't know why it grossed me out more for her to play with a dead worm than a live one. Worms don't really last that long in the hands of a two year old. Here is a pic of Elie and her new friend.
Love ya,
I used to play with worms too...pretty sure I pulled them in half and watched both ends move and "re-grow"...