I haven't really updated on what the Crocker fam has been up to lately. Maybe because my life is just not that exciting? I do have some cute new pictures. So, lets see, we went up into the mountains (well, Evergreen) and went leaf peeping, walked around the lake and ate at Beau Joes (they have gf pizza). We went on a nice bike ride with the girls. Matt and I had our 9 year anniversary, he was soooo sweet and had flowers delivered and chocolates from See's. We are going to celebrate Grandma and Grandpa's 60th anniversary this Friday. That about covers it! Here are some pictures!

I looked at the to-do list I made last week and am happy to say I can cross off almost everything on it. It only took me 2 weeks. I think I either need smaller lists or more time. Here is what I have been up to: -I have made 2 loaves of banana oat bread, 1 batch of blackberry strawberry freezer jam, 1 loaf of gluten free bread. -From 12 juiced grapefruit I made grapefruit curd and a pan of grapefruit bars. -My garden is almost completely done, including a upgrade in size. I am growing tomatoes, onions, peppers, potatoes , cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower , herbs, lettuce, spinach , green beans, snap peas, cucumbers, and kohlrabi. -I hung herbs to dry -I have folded massive amounts of laundry...with more yet to do. All washed with my homemade laundry soap. -I recovered the "green monster" which is another post entirely. -I added a sitting area in my bedroom, where I am currently sitting, so that my laptop has a home other than the kitchen table. - I got a new dining room table a...
I still think Evergreen Lake is adorable...even though I grew up right by it...I still love it!
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I just saw the pictures of Halloween costumes, and I have to go with the skunk, too. Too cute!
My nephews want to be Sushi and Soy Sauce. I told my sister her little one should be chopsticks. Ha, if only it was easy to make.