Current favorite words: nocturnal and octagon. Yes, she uses them correctly.
Most recent funny sayings: "Happy New Ears!" and "I have a terrible head egg"
Favorite game: Pretending to be the mommy and taking "Mama Elie" and "Papa Elie" to the doctor for eating to many cookies. We always end up getting shots.
Pastimes: Bossing around the sister, the dog and anyone in her vicinity. Pretending. Watching monkey and "Milo and Otis". Reading books. Asking lots and lots of questions. Taking Earl for a walk.
Favorite Foods: broccoli, qusadillas, pizza, frozen peas, pasta with red sauce, frosting
Hates: getting hair brushed, done, and washed. Being "stuck" in her car seat. Anyone touching her "bubas" (bunnies)
Current interest: Letters and how words work, anything to do with artistic pursuits, mud, snow, singing songs and throwing in the word "poop"
Best friend: Earl, the potato my father drew a face on 2 weeks ago. Earl is her brother. I am afraid of what is going to happen when Earl starts to rot. Thanks dad.
Most recent funny sayings: "Happy New Ears!" and "I have a terrible head egg"
Favorite game: Pretending to be the mommy and taking "Mama Elie" and "Papa Elie" to the doctor for eating to many cookies. We always end up getting shots.
Pastimes: Bossing around the sister, the dog and anyone in her vicinity. Pretending. Watching monkey and "Milo and Otis". Reading books. Asking lots and lots of questions. Taking Earl for a walk.
Favorite Foods: broccoli, qusadillas, pizza, frozen peas, pasta with red sauce, frosting
Hates: getting hair brushed, done, and washed. Being "stuck" in her car seat. Anyone touching her "bubas" (bunnies)
Current interest: Letters and how words work, anything to do with artistic pursuits, mud, snow, singing songs and throwing in the word "poop"
Best friend: Earl, the potato my father drew a face on 2 weeks ago. Earl is her brother. I am afraid of what is going to happen when Earl starts to rot. Thanks dad.
I also love that she & T love a lot of the same things - they really are kindred spirits!! T loves giving us shots. Go figure. And his favorite new words are "pteradactyl" and "Backyardigans." He likes to tell us those are "really, really big words!" And the hair thing - what's up with that?? T has started being anti-shampoo. What now??